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Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Back to Blogging

A New day and back to blogging, Have I  remembered much of what I learned last week?  I am about to find out!!!!

We are talking about twitter at the moment not sure how useful this will be but learning more about hashtags and beginning the tweet with an @

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Social Reporting

Nick said the art of social reporting is go for it, simply shovel the information on.  The web is huge who are we to know what might be of interest to someone else?

Conversations brew, perhaps when you are on the train when your head is clearing from the day. You may search and find something of interest to grab your attention.

An act of casual generousity!  taking an interest in someone else is the surest way of them being interested in you!!  This makes real sense.  Thanks Nick

As a beginner this is mind blowing

blogs, flickr, facebook and twitter, linking feeding this stuff is so confusing!!